3 letter words

training-typing-3-letters-words-left-square bracket-and-right-square bracket

[ ]


Level 151 Training - 3 letter words: [ ]

Level description:

3 letter words.

Incorporating words of different sizes into your typing practice routine can lead to well-rounded typing skills that allow you to tackle a wide range of typing tasks with confidence, accuracy, and speed. It's an essential step in becoming a proficient and efficient typist in various contexts.

5 Touch typing tips to consider:

  1. Monitor Stability : Make sure your monitor is stable and doesn't wobble during typing or movement.
  2. Routine Building : Develop a routine that includes warm-up exercises before typing.
  3. Distance from the Screen : Position the monitor about an arm's length away to reduce eye strain and allow you to maintain a comfortable posture.
  4. Type Complete Sentences : Focus on typing full sentences for context and coherence.
  5. Numpad : If using the numpad, adjust your hand position to accommodate its layout.


Remember, touch typing mastery takes time and consistent effort. Practice regularly, prioritize accuracy, and gradually increase your speed to achieve proficient touch typing skills.
